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Updates from the USDA

Food and Nutrition Updates

Savor the fresh tastes of spring! has recipes and meal prep tips to help you maximize the flavors that you’ve been waiting for all winter.

Enjoy springtime fruits and veggies while they last with these 4 ideas. All of these can be found on at

Try something new: Browse’s recipe collection and choose a new recipe to try as a family. For a fun activity, you can even cook it together!

Know what’s in season: Asparagus, lettuce, and other greens are starting to pop out of the ground and into farmers’ markets and grocery stores. Strawberries and mushrooms are not far behind. Find a full guide to what’s in season on our “Farmers Markets” page.

Keep it fresh for longer: Check out our “Food Storage and Preservation” page to learn how to store produce. You can also find guidance on how long different items can be stored before safety and/or quality is affected.

Spring into action: Pair healthy spring eating with exercise. Make the most of the warmer weather by getting outside or try our exercise examples and videos to get active at home. Use our tools for getting and staying active to help you stick to your routine.

How will you be making healthy choices this spring? Follow us on Twitter for more resources to help you eat and move well at home.

Collection Highlights

USDA employed botanical artists to document fruit and nut varieties developed by growers or introduced by USDA plant explorers around the turn of the 20th century. Technically accurate paintings were used to create lithographs illustrating USDA bulletins, yearbooks, and other series distributed to growers and gardeners across America.

Explore the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection, which was digitized by NAL in 2011, at

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