Order Free At-Home Covid Tests
Have you heard? You can get four more free COVID-19 testing kits mailed directly to your home. Order them at covidtests.gov
COVID info and help
MDGOVAX Call Center Services are transitioning to 2-1-1 Maryland. Marylanders can still receive information and referrals regarding COVID-19 resources by calling 2-1-1 or texting your zip code to 898 211.
COVID-19 Financial Assistance for Homeowners
Are you struggling to keep up with your mortgage payments or other housing costs due to COVID-19 related financial hardships? The Maryland Homeowner Assistance Fund may be able to help. Visit the State of Maryland’s Department of Housing and Community Development website at https://dhcd.maryland.gov/ or call the department at 301-429-7400 to check eligibility and get assistance with navigating the application portal.
Medicare Open Enrollment October 15 – December 7
Is it really that time again? Yes, it is. Open enrollment begins October 15 until December 7 so start researching those Medicare plans. Researching Medicare plans is worse than going to the dentist for sure, and maybe worse than doing taxes. In any case, take the time to do your homework. If this is your first time or your 10th time, check out www.medicare.gov. A change for 2023 is the cost of insulin. A one-month supply of insulin will be capped at $35 for those on Medicare Part B, and there is no deductible.
Volunteers are Needed
As the holiday season and winter draws near, consider being a volunteer. The following organizations and churches are always in need of your help.
Elizabeth House – FISH (www.fishoflaurel.org)
Host a goods or diaper drive; homemade and store-bought casseroles are needed for dinner each evening. More information is available on the website.
Laurel Advocacy and Referral Services (www.laureladvocacy.org)
Volunteers are needed to accept donations, perform clerical duties, and prepare and distribute food bags to clients.
Food Bank (www.collegeparkfoodbank.com)
Serving College Park and surrounding communities, volunteers can host a food drive, or serve as photographer, CPA, or fundraiser.
Fit & Strong Program! is Free
Seniors, are you ready to increase your strength, balance, and stamina? Join Fit & Strong! Class will be held at the Beltsville Community Center, 3900 Sellman Road, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 AM – 11 AM. Class will run from October 17 to January 9. Ages 18 & up are eligible to enroll. You must register via pgparksdirect.com; Activity Code: 17488-579. For more information call customer service at: 301-699-2255.
Borrow Technology from the Library
You can borrow more than books from our public libraries. Reserve a Chromebook, Wi-Fi hotspot, electricity usage monitor or a thermal camera. An electricity usage monitor indicates how many kilowatts are being used by a device. Thermal cameras can help you detect problems in your home such as lack of insulation, electrical problems and water damage. For more information, please go to the Beltsville Library at 4319 Sellman Road. Helpful videos are available on the library system’s website at https://www.pgcmls.info/borrow-technology.
Activities with the Laurel Beltsville Senior Activity Center
The Laurel Beltsville Senior Activity Center released its fall schedule recently. The schedules can be found at the center. Registration is also available online at pgparksdirect.com or in-person at any M-NCPPC facility in Prince George’s County.
Masquerade Party Thursday, November 9, 2023 $15 (Resident) ; $ 20 (Non Resident) 11 am – 3 pm
Join the Center for a mysterious night in your best mask and in your dress to impress outfits to match! Enjoy music from a live DJ, a photo booth, and a light catered lunch. Deadline to register is November 2.
Thanksgiving Fellowship Luncheon Friday, November 17, 2023, FREE 11 am - 2 pm
Join fellow seniors for the Center’s annual Thanksgiving Luncheon! Enjoy a catered meal and live entertainment. Deadline to register is November 10. This event is FREE for those who register in advance and bring in an unexpired canned good for a local food shelter.
How to report potholes in Beltsville
Maintenance of State roads (identified by number — Rt 1, Rt 212, etc) is the responsibility of the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA). Call 301-952-0555 to report a pothole on a State road. Other local roads are maintained by the County. To report potholes on them, call 311 (3-1-1) or 301-883-4748 or report it online at PGC311.com.
Contact me
Please let me know if there are other issues you have questions or thoughts about. And, of course, feel free to be in touch if I can be of help to you. Just email
21stDistrictDelegation@gmail.com or call 410-841-3141.