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  • Kevin d'Eustachio

Ten Scouts And Four Thousand Flyers

Updated: Apr 2

Scout Troop 1033 is preparing for the annual spring mulch sale!

BSA Troop 1033, with a few helpers, folded four thousand flyers for their upcoming Spring Mulch delivery fundraiser.  For more than thirty years, the Scouts have delivered bags of mulch, compost and other bulk garden products to homes in and around Beltsville.  According to Assistant Scoutmaster Kevin d’Eustachio “A good scout fundraiser supports the community, makes a decent profit, and leaves the Scouts worn out from a hard day’s work. The mulch deliver fundraiser does all three.”  Proceeds help fund Troop activities like camping, rock climbing and white-water rafting and individual Scouts earn “Scout bucks” that they can use to pay for summer camp or uniforms.  So, keep an eye out for your flyer either in the U.S. mail (if you have previously ordered) or hand delivered to your door by a member of Troop 1033.  Orders are due March 23rd and Delivery is Saturday, April 6th.

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