The Grinch who stole Christmas....Actually the Grinch is stripping Fire and EMS Services from the Northern part of Prince George’s County.
Keep writing and sending emails regarding The Prince George’s County Fire Department’s questionable practices. Keep sharing information with friends and family! The Fire Chief is pushing to build a temporary station on park property in front of Beltsville Library. She has sent a letter to Peter Shapiro, Chairperson of MNCPPC, claiming that The Beltsville Volunteer Fire Station has health and safety issues in order to justify building a temporary station on Chestnut Hills Neighborhood Park. This statement contradicts the assessment that occurred in the spring of 2024. We need to get all of the elected officials to question how and where Chief Green is spending money. My understanding is the cost for a temporary fire station is more than 1 million dollars! She claims she does not have the money for deferred maintenance. Then where is she taking the money from to build a temporary station? Our elected officials need to read the assessment on Beltsville Volunteer Fire Station. The assessment clearly states "there are no health and safety issues..." There are deferred maintenance issues that Prince George's County is responsible for. Our elected officials need to question the proposed temporary station.
Count Executive Angela Alsobrooks Countyexecutive@co.pg.md.us
Fire Chief Green Tdgreen@co.pg.md.us
Council Chairperson Jolene Ivey Councildistrict5@co.pg.md.us
Sydney Harrison Vice Chairperson / Council District 9 CouncilDistrict9@co.pg.md.us
Calvin Hawkins At Large Councilmember At-LargeMemberHawkins@co.pg.md.us
Councilmember Tom Dernoga Councildistrict1@co.pg.md.us
Councilmember Wanika Fisher District 2 WFisher@co.pg.md.us
Councilmember Eric Olson District 3 EOLSON@CO.PG.MD.US
Councilmember Igrid Watson District 4 CouncilDistrict4@co.pg.md.us
Councilmember Wala Blegay District 6 councildistrict6@co.pg.md.us
Councilmember Krystal Oriadha District 7 councildistrict7@co.pg.md.us
Councilmember Edward Burroughs lll District 8 CouncilDistrict8@co.pg.md.us
SenatorJim Rosapepe Jim.Rosapepe@senate.state.md.us
Delegate Ben Barnes Ben.Barnes@house.state.md.us
Delegate Joseline Pena-Melnyk Joseline.Pena.Melnyk@house.state.md.us
Delegate Mary Lehman mary.lehman@house.state.md.us
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