Don’t be fooled on April 1st or any other day because scams are coming at us from multiple directions… phone calls, text messages, emails and more. Here are some safety tips:
1) Never give anyone who contacts you any account numbers, social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, car registration number or home addresses.
2) Do not open attachments or links in email unless you are sure of the sender. Go the extra step and contact the sender before opening any attachments.
3) E-Z Pass does not suspend your driver’s license if you do not have enough money on your account.
4) E-Z pass does not send text messages regarding your account.
5) Last but not least, law Enforcement from a city, town, county, state or federal (secret service, FBI, U.S. Marshall, Homeland Security, ICE, Border Patrol) does not call, send texts, or email you. If they do call, get their name, badge number, and office phone number and tell them you will call them back. Criminals are spoofing legitimate law enforcement phone numbers. The bottom line is if law enforcement wants you, they will come and get you. Legitimate law enforcement does not ask you to get money. Legitimate law enforcement does not tell you to take cash from your account and deposit it in a machine similar to an ATM. There have been several reports of criminals and scammers impersonating law enforcement officers attempting to collect money.
Remember what they say about "fools"...A Fool and his money are soon departed..." play it safe Don't be Fooled by Con Artist Criminal Scammers!!!