We have gotten a lot of emails about the temporary trailers that have appeared on the Chestnut Hills Playground Property. This is Chief Green’s response to the refusal of the Beltsville Volunteer Fire Department’s refusal to sign a Memorandum of Understanding that was outrageous in its demands (which we have documented in previous articles). Any lawyer would have advised that their client should not sign it. It is our belief that this was done on purpose and that Chief Green, and her staff, did not negotiate in good faith with the volunteers.
Here is what we know about the temporary trailers thanks to a citizen who sent in the info. PGFD installed 3 trailer units in mid-March at Chestnut Hills Park. The manager predicted occupancy will occur within one month. The next stage will be construction of a "Butler Building" to house vehicles. They insist the existing access road will be used. We know that Montgomery Road backs up bumper to bumper several times a day. The contractor has a two- year deal to install and dismantle the temporary site. So, this eyesore will be at Chestnut Hills for at least two years.
The big question is where is all this money coming from? We know PG County has the same budget issues everyone else has. Where did we find these excess funds to put up these totally unnecessary trailers and buildings? Call your representatives and find out what’s going on!
Rick Bergmann,