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Kudos to UpStage Artists Production of A Raisin In The Sun!

Lenny Dinerman

Updated: Apr 26, 2024

The Cast of UpStage Artists A Raisin In The Sun. Back Row (L-R) Peter Rouleau, Antoine Avery, Melvin Smith, Joseph Battley II, Edward Crews Fron Row (L-R) Tiffany Carlotta Smothers, Elizabeth Wiggins, Binta Kassambara, Stacey Saunders

Beg pardon, but I simply could not resist the urge to pen a highly favorable review of Upstage Artists most recent production of, "A Raisin In The Sun."  

Kudos to all for their focused efforts in bringing about one of the best dramatic performances I have yet seen in community theater.

The set was tastefully done & very inviting.  It made me feel as though I were living in the Younger's abode right along with them.  I was mainly impressed however with the wide range of emotion displayed by the show's talented cast, most notably Elizabeth Lynne Ellis Wiggins, Stacey Saunders & Melvin Smith as "Mama" Lena, Ruth & Walter Lee Younger respectively.  Tiffany Carletta was a breath of fresh air as Beneatha Younger & Binta Kassambara as little Travis Younger was in a word, delightful!  

The supporting roles of Misters Asagai, Murchison, Bobo & Linder were convincingly portrayed respectively by Antoine Avery, Joseph Battley II, Edward V. Crews & Peter Rouleau.

I'd be remiss if I failed to mention the admirable contributions of Sound Technician Susie Mendelsohn, Stage Manager Joanne Breen, Stagehand Harsha Vardhan & of course Director Rick Bergmann.           

Next up for Upstage Artists this season will be Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing" directed by Anna Fitzmaurice, premiering May 31st & ending 10 June 2024.  All performances are held at Emmanuel United Methodist Church, 11416 Cedar Lane, Beltsville, MD 20705.  Hope to see you there!


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