Holiday gift giving ads are starting to hit the airways. One will certainly show a young child opening a box on Christmas morning with a darling puppy or kitten in it. While this might make a wonderful commercial, it is seldom that way in real life!
People and cat groups have differing opinions as to whether “gifting” an animal is a good idea or not. Some organizations think “gifting” a pet is fine because it offers another option for shelter animals and those rescued by organizations such as Beltsville Community Cats who are constantly trying to find foster and adoptive homes. Some advocates of “gifting pets” cite the fact that families are often home more during the holidays, allowing for a better transition for the family and the new pet.
For me, giving pets as gifts is not such a good idea, and here’s why.
1. Pets are a LONG-term commitment! This means you need to budget for food (and supplies such as litter and toys), veterinary care, and pay someone to take care of the animal whenever you go away for the next 15-20 years. If you and your family are away from home for long periods of time, you will need to pay a dog walker to take care oof your dog’s needs while you are gone. Since it is illegal to leave an animal outside all the time in this area, you may want to consult the county’s animal ordinances to learn what is permitted (e.g., feeding feral cats); what is required (e.g., vaccinations, leash laws, registering your pets, etc.); and what is prohibited (e.g., killing/harming feral cats).
2. Some parents give their children a pet, thinking it will teach them to be responsible. In most cases the real responsibility will end up with the parent/adult in the family who must make sure the pet is not neglected. This includes making sure the pet gets fresh food and water every day; cleaning the litter box (at a minimum daily); and walking the dog regularly (or releasing it in a fended yard for limited periods of time in reasonable weather). Cats should be kept inside to protect them from cars, predators, and diseases.
3. Some of today’s “gifts” will end up being turned into an animal shelter when the newness of the “gift” has worn off and the family realizes they don’t have enough time to care for their pet properly. The damage that this can do to an animal is sometimes permanent, making it more difficult to find an adoptive home. Unfortunately, some of these “gifted” pets will be abandoned to fend for themselves outside.
4. The holidays are usually very busy and are rarely a good time to try to make a major change in the family routine. Adding a new furry family member may increase the stress experienced during this busy time.
If you are an animal lover and want to pass that joy on to someone else, consider donating to an animal rescue organization or gifting the adoption cost so the person can choose their own pet when it is convenient for them. To me, this is much better for everyone involved – your family member or friend, the pet, and you.
As the year winds down, some of us are thinking about our 2024 charitable contributions. If you are looking for a worthy organization who does great work in the community, please consider Beltsville Community Cats, an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit with a mission to control the community cat population by performing “trap, neuter, vaccinate, and release” on non-socialized cat colonies, maintaining healthy colonies by providing food and shelter, and rescuing kittens to be socialized in foster homes and then adopted out as house cats to approved applicants. If you are looking for a volunteer opportunity for 2025, we have many roles that you might be interested in filling including fostering, trapping, transporting cats to vet appointments, donating supplies/food, or feeding a colony one or two days a week. For more information, please visit www.beltsvillecats.net or contact BCC at hello@beltsvillecats.net or 240-444-8353.