How has this year been for you? Welcome to December. I have enjoyed seeing all the lights on people’s homes, business places and more. Folk have been very creative in their effort to decorate. I wish I had the talent to be as creative as some of these folks. So, what special traditions do you have? I admire those who still go out to buy greeting cards and mail them out.
One tradition that I tried to introduce in the development where I live is this. We did it three years ago. I had parents drop off gifts for their children by a set date. (I had a few other residents assist me). We had to create a delivery route for the gifts, based on the families that were participating. On Christmas Day that year, we had somebody dressed as Santa Claus, and he was ably assisted by two elves. Our chosen mode of transportation was a golf cart, blasting Christmas music. It was quite a site as we went from house to house. The children at their respective homes were very excited. Imagine hearing the doorbell ring, the child is told to open the door and then there in plain view was Santa Claus with a gift addressed to the child.
The children had a lot of questions for Santa --- “How did you get to my house?” “How did you know what I wanted?” …etc. Santa had to be spontaneous with his responses. Oh, the children loved it, the parents loved it and even grandma and grandpa loved it too.
Sadly, I was unable to repeat this, as the housing development has grown, and the core of my help crew was not available this year. I have mentioned this to you. Possibly some of you can organize something similar next year for your streets in Beltsville.
Some go back to traditions – some bake cakes as gifts, some go caroling and others do things for the less privileged. Whatever it is, please try to spread some good cheer at Christmas, into the new year and beyond.
What do you do with receipts when you shop? Do you throw them in the trash, or do you keep them and try your hand at the surveys/sweepstakes they advertise? I love to do them and hopefully one day will win the star prize offered.
Many years ago, I had a friend come to stay with me and my family for a brief vacation. She had come from outside the country so in the daytime, would stay in and watch television and just relax. There was a day she excitedly called me – she was bored, was going through some recent items she purchased and apparently did the survey on a Kohl’s receipt. She won $500. These receipts are real, the prizes are real. Ever since that fateful day, I do not throw away my receipts away. I keep them and try my hand at the surveys in the hope that one day, I will win a prize. So, after I type this article, I will do my surveys for Panda Express, Dunkin Donuts and Burlington Coat Factory. They are offering free items to compensate for the time spent doing the survey. Wish me good luck. Maybe I should try my hand at the Powerball thing and see if I win. If I get the jackpot, I will come to Beltsville to celebrate – stop at Wawa to get my favorite soup, get lunch at Sardi’s next door on Route 1 and then for dinner, I will go to The Jerk Pit, just outside Beltsville on Route 1, for a Jamaican dinner. After that I flew back to Dallas from Beltsville on the same private jet that I chartered. What a way to celebrate.
Back to reality – I have to end this article and email it to my Editor. So have a great Christmas and a prosperous and blessed 2025. To the Beltsville News family, peace and blessings to every one of you and your families.