Dear Reader, how are you doing? It’s been a very interesting year—so much has happened around us and we must be thankful that we are alive and in relatively good health. I know we make resolutions every year and then struggle to keep up with them. I have already started with my resolution: to eat healthier. I have fallen in love with avocados. I will not touch the guacamole; give me the avocado in its purest form. I guess it is a mental thing. Just like when I hear people say they made a smoothie and put in kale, beets, and other vegetables. I just cannot fathom the thought of drinking those.
Now please do not laugh at me. All my years in Maryland, I typically would wear shorts all year round – just two or three layers of shirts. A lot of people would be upset with me and tell me something was wrong with me. I really cannot explain why I would do that, but that was me up to 2019. Now I am living in Dallas, Texas, I have apparently adapted to life here. The temperature hits fifty degrees and I am in long pants, a jacket, and a warm hat.
Talking about the weather, I am struggling to keep my lime and lemon trees alive as the cold weather has come through, and one of the two trees actually shed most of its leaves while blossoming. I must win in the fight to keep them alive through the cold season so they can bear fruits in the spring. Similarly, I have two pineapple plants in my garden. I cannot wait to see them bear fruit.
Tales from a Broken Baltimore…that is the name of a thread I follow on Facebook, and recently I came across a very interesting post. There was a recording of two law enforcement officers responding to a call. One officer can be heard on the radio, telling the other officer to be on the lookout for a male carrying a shovel and a prosthetic leg. Apparently, the shovel had been used by a subject to attack and rob a man of his prosthetic leg. It may sound hard to believe, but how low can one get as a human being to steal a leg? I am hopeful that the robber was found and the leg returned to the rightful owner.
Reminds me of a ridiculous situation when I was growing up as a teenager. This happened in Nigeria in the mid 1980’s. Back then, sodas were sold in glass bottles and would have firm metal caps that could only be removed with a can opener. There was a local eatery that got robbed at night, and the robbers decided to use an opener to open every single bottle of soda that was within reach in the crates. Ridiculous but it happened.
In 2021, I hope the pandemic eases up so I can visit Beltsville. I am amazed at the amount of development that has gone on. I miss my favorite eating places: Wawa—the gas station on Route 1, Sardis—located right before Wawa—and of course Campanero on Powder Mill Road, just next to the 7-11 and Shell Gas Station. Living in Dallas, there is a heavy Hispanic presence, but sadly I have not been able to find any food facility like those listed above. So, when you see Santa Claus, tell him to put a meal from each of those places on his sleigh and head down South to Texas with it. I have been good all year, and I have even cleaned the chimney so his outfit does not get messed up. I also have a treat for the reindeer—so they can have a snack while Santa brings in my unique gifts. So, do I believe in Santa Claus? Yes—when it comes to getting my favorite meals. (just me being silly).
As I wrap up this “Jive,” I am going to wish you a Merry Christmas. Be safe. Eat and drink RESPONSIBLY. If you must drink and drive, drink a Sprite Zero—the best drink out there right now. On a more serious note, have a great New Year and see you in 2021. That’s the “Jive” for the year.