Upcoming Planning Board Pre-Application Neighborhood Meeting for Beltsville Costco Fuel Facility
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) Planning Board will hold a third Pre-Application Neighborhood Meeting to review and discuss the development proposal for improvements to the Beltsville Costco fuel facility at St. John's Episcopal Church, 11040 Baltimore Avenue, on December 11, 2024, at 6:45 PM.
The project proposes to merge several zoning parcels into a single lot for redevelopment, double the fueling stations from six to twelve, and redevelop the parking lot layout. This Pre-Application Neighborhood Meeting will allow the developer to discuss the project with neighbors and for neighbors to raise questions and concerns about the proposed project.
For more on this project, read here: https://bit.ly/3YeNXDw.
To view the plans our office has received, read more here: https://bit.ly/4exfZQ1. To learn more about how to weigh in on this or other proposed developments, go here: https://bit.ly/HowToWeighInOnNewDev
Preparing for Winter Storms
Please pay attention to all winter weather advisories and winter storm warnings as winter approaches! During winter storms, the Department of Public Works & Transportation (DPW&T) prioritizes primary, secondary, and residential roads to provide "passable" conditions on county roads. Stay on top of DPW&T while they are active in snow operations by entering your address on the Snowplow Tracking website at PGCTrackSnow.com. During a snow and ice event, residents are asked to wait 48 hours after the precipitation has stopped to call 311 or 301-883-4748 to report emergencies or concerns about roadway conditions or snow removal.
PGC311 for Reporting Downed Trees, Branches, Power Outages
As winter arrives, please report all fallen trees, fallen branches, public power outages, and other storm-related concerns to PGC311 by calling 3-1-1 or using the Prince George's County 311 App. If your issue is not addressed promptly, don't hesitate to contact our office.
Open Enrollment for Healthcare
The federal Healthcare Marketplace Open Enrollment is open and will run until the 15. Consumers who want health coverage starting January 1 should enroll by December 15. Consumers must enroll by January 15 to have coverage that begins on February 1. Visit https://www.healthcare.gov/ for details.
Order COVID-19 Tests Online
As the colder months approach, COVID-19 is back on the rise. Local health departments are providing free COVID-19 test kits while supplies last. You can order up to four free at-home tests here: https://covidtests.gov. For more information about COVID-19 Testing by the Maryland Department of Health, read here: https://bit.ly/484r5d2. You can also call 1-800-232-0233 (TTY 1-888-720-7489).
District One Food Assistance
Do you know anyone who might require food support? Residents can share or use this link to view the most current countywide list by the Prince George's County Food and Equity Council: https:bit.ly/pgcfood. You may also use our list of recurring food assistance in and near District One: https://bit.ly/D1FoodResources.
Join our District 1 Senior Living Newsletter List
Take advantage of resources, local activities, and events for seniors. Sign up for our monthly senior email newsletter: https://bit.ly/D1SeniorNewsletterOptIn.
Contact Us
Please keep in touch. Please email us at councildistrict1@co.pg.md.us or call 301-952-3887. Se habla español. አማርኛ እንናገራለን. Follow us on Facebook, X, Threads, and Instagram: @TomDernogaD1.