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From the Office of Council Member Tom Dernoga April 2023

Comptroller Brooke Lierman met with the Prince George’s County Council on March 7 to discuss supporting taxpayers and small businesses in the County.

Virtual Community Conversation – April 19

Beltsville residents are invited to join our next District 1 Virtual Community Conversation. On Wednesday, April 19, at 7 PM, we will host Maryland's 21st District State lawmakers: Senator Jim Rosapepe, Delegate Joseline Peña-Melnyk, Delegate Mary Lehman, and Delegate Ben Barnes. They will provide an overview of the new laws from the 2023 Legislative Session in Annapolis. Register online at, and questions may be submitted while completing the online registration.

The People’s Council Zoning Bills

Thank you to the residents that spoke on March 7, supporting three zoning bills that will bring Prince George’s County to a better place. This is part of the People's Council agenda on land use to make the process more friendly to County residents.

 Council Bill-2 will substantially limit the ability of developers to circumvent the zoning process by sneaking through legislation that benefits their property without the public likely to know about it. For example, the Freeway Airport matter, the Amazon distribution facility that would have displaced the promised Westphalia town center, and dozens of other examples.

Council Bill-3 will provide Master Plans (and Sector Plans, etc.) with legal significance. Under current law, they serve as a "guide" if that and are routinely ignored. Council Bill-3 will require applications to demonstrate that their developments are consistent with local Master Plans. Master plans are how the council ensures the buildings that are being developed are consistent with what the community wants and needs to thrive.

Council Bill-5 will limit the number of new gas stations and set stricter standards for approved ones.

Prince George's County Fights Illegal Dumping

The Prince George’s County Department of the Environment (DoE) has purchased new cameras through a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice to help fight environmental crime.

Far too often, mattresses, couches, and other items are illegally dumped in neighborhoods throughout the County. These cameras will operate 24 hours a day and can even work in low-lit areas. They can also be moved and redeployed in a few hours as criminal dumpers change their patterns due to their solar-powered technology.

Earth Day Cleanup Opportunities

The Anacostia Watershed Society (AWS) is hosting an Earth Day Cleanup event on Saturday, April 22, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Little Paint Branch Park, near Beltsville Community Center at 3900 Sellman Road. Register and learn more at

If you would like to organize a cleanup event in your own neighborhood, Prince George’s County will support you with their Countywide community cleanup program, "Growing Green with Pride,” taking place on Earth Day, Saturday, April 22, from 8 AM to 12 PM. Your group will receive gloves, trash bags, litter grabbers, and safety vests. Please leave your filled trash bags along the curbside of the roadways you identify to be cleaned, and the Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T) will pick up the trash bags. Learn more and sign up by April 14 at

Facing Rental Eviction?

If you are facing eviction due to delinquent rent and have a court summons, court judgment, Warrant of Restitution, or Warrant for Possession, you may be eligible for the Prince George’s County Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP).

For assistance, call the ERAP Hotline at (301) 883-6504, then press 9, and a customer service representative will help you. Or email your contact information and one of the documents listed above to: (Include the eviction date in the Subject Line if an eviction is scheduled.)

If you’re eligible for assistance, ERAP can pay up to 18 months of late rent or provide funding to help you relocate. Please note: The Emergency Rental Assistance Program has not re-opened. Funding is available for eligible renters with pending eviction.

Contact Us

Please keep in touch. Email us at or call 301.952.3887. Se habla Español. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @TomDernogaD1

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