The annual training of newly elected Lions Club Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers of Lions Clubs in District 22-C took place at EUMC on the morning of 26 October. Lions District 22-C consists of 44 Lions Clubs located in Washington, D.C. and the Maryland Counties of Montgomery, Prince George's, Charles, Calvert and St. Mary's.
District Governor Roderick Harris, Rockville Lions Club, kicked off the training at 9 am after being introduced by Global Leadership Coordinator Past District Governor (PDG) “Dee” Hawkins, Olney Lions Club.
Immediate PDG Chris Wooters, Waldorf Lions Club, provided detailed information on Lions Clubs International's membership initiative dubbed "Mission 1.5," the effort to build Lions membership worldwide to 1.5 million. Wooters commented that Lions Clubs need to engage new audiences, retain existing members, and increase Club visibility.
New club officers were then assembled in three breakout rooms for specific training as Club President, Secretary or Treasurer.
PDG Sonia Wiggins, Rockville Lions Club, led the training session for new Club Presidents.
Past Council Chair and PDG Gary Burdette, Monocacy Lions Club, provided training for Club Secretaries.
Lion Jim Cocchiaro, Treasurer of the Suburban Lions Club, led the training for Club treasurers.
District Governor Harris was very pleased and expressed his sincere appreciation to Emmanuel United Methodist Church for facilitating the training.