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Cub Pack 1031 Thanks You Again for your Scouting For Food Donations

Regina Halper

Updated: Jan 30

Wolf scout and Webelos scout and a friend show off the toys gathered for our Toy Drive!
Wolf scout and Webelos scout and a friend show off the toys gathered for our Toy Drive!

This month Cub Pack 1031 gathered toys to donate to a local charity and celebrated the holidays with a Christmas party eating treats and making ornaments while we listened to tunes played by our newly appointed Cubmaster, Peter G., on his accordion!

            This month the scouts worked on our Safety adventures. The Wolf den did a winter hike and picked up trash. The Arrow of Light den is getting ready to bridge over to Scout BSA which will happen early next year.

            If you are interested in Cub Scouts, contact Regina Halper at for information. We are a family scouting unit. During the school year we meet at Beltsville Academy for our den meetings and in the summer, we meet twice a month in the parks.



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