Cub Pack 1031 had their Scouting for Food drive along with Troop 1033 on November 9th. The pack collected 570 lbs. of food in their neighborhood around Beltsville Academy. The scouts quickly learned about the different cans of fruit, vegetables, grains, and proteins. We also learned about our neighborhood and the generous people.
We now have 18 scouts in the pack with seven new Lion and Tiger scouts! The Wolf den built cardboard copies of their houses and made them into a community with stores and restaurants. The Webelos are beginning their fitness achievement with Stronger Faster Higher. The Arrow of Light den is getting ready to bridge over to Scout BSA units which happens earlier in the new program.
If you are interested in Cub Scouts, contact Regina Halper at Pack1031cubscouting@gmail.com for information. We are a family scouting unit. During the school year we meet at Beltsville Academy for our den meetings and in the summer, we meet twice a month in the parks.