After a summer of hikes, biking, rocket shoots at the GSFC Visitors Center, and day camp we are getting ready to start a new year! We had eight scouts earn the Summertime activity award! And it was great meeting the community at the Beltsville Fest, Calverton’s 4th of July event and National Night Out.
Many thanks to our friends and neighbors who participated in our Papa Johns fundraiser and donated to the pack to help cover the costs of Cub Scouting. This year we begin an updated revised program and look forward to exploring it.
If you are interested in Cub Scouts, contact Regina Halper at for information. We are a family scouting unit. We learn outdoor skills, citizenship, STEM, nature and do community service. During the school year we meet at Beltsville Academy for our den meetings and doing service, STEM, biking and hiking in the outdoors. In the summer we meet twice a month in the parks.
We have new opportunities for families to apply for financial help. Ask me about it at Back to School Nights or contact me at the above email.