Cub Pack 1031 and Troop 1033 started the new year off with a MLK Day of service cleanup at Beltsville Academy. We did the cleanup on Saturday January 18th to avoid the extremely cold temperatures later in the week in order to keep the Cub Scouts warmer. The scouts “belly-slid” down the hill after the cleanup! A scout has fun after working hard!
We also reviewed Hypothermia - Uncontrollable Shivering, Clumsiness, Mumbling, Stumbling and Confusion. Cover your head and hands, Stay dry, Wear clean wicking layers with the outside layer being nylon or Gore-Tex.
The pack will be celebrating the Crossover of our Arrow of Light Scouts with a campfire at their leader’s house later in January. Scouting America (BSA’s new name) wants the Arrow scouts to bridge earlier than April and this year’s scouts are eager to bridge to their troop.
The scouts are also getting their Pinewood Derby cars ready to race later this winter and working hard on their achievements.
If you are interested in Cub Scouts, contact Regina Halper at Pack1031cubscouting@gmail.com for information. We are a family scouting unit. During the school year we meet at Beltsville Academy for our den meetings and in the summer, we meet twice a month in the parks.