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Regina Halper

Cub Pack 1031: Bear Scouts Hiking in a New Year

Susie G and Breanna H. learn how animals stay warm in the winter

Cub Pack 1031 Bear Scouts visited the Patuxent Wildlife Refuge National Visitors Center and hiked the trails and visited the Center as part of their Fur, Feathers and Ferns achievement. They learned how animals keep warm in the winter and saw squirrels, the beaver lodge, and saw and heard lots of birds!

            This month the pack be learning about how to stay warm and avoid hypothermia, which will be important if we get more snow! The pack had planned to have a Martin Luther King Day of Service but the snow on MLK day changed our plans. We will do a day of service at the school soon.

            If you are interested in Cub Scouts contact Regina Halper at for information. We are a family scouting unit. We learn outdoor skills, citizenship, STEM, nature and do community service. We are back in Beltsville Academy for our den meetings. And happy to be meeting in our usual place and learning about engineering, nature, doing service and hiking in the outdoors.

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