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  • Regina Halper

Cub Pack 1031: Arrow Scouts Bridge over on the Web

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

Cub Pack 1031’s Arrow of Light Scouts had their bridging ceremony on Monday, June 8, over the web. Jason’s mom created a wonderful virtual MP4 video of their images coming over a bridge. The parents loved it! Christian N. led the opening from his house, Jason K. lit the Webelo’s fire at his house with his mom as a leader and his brothers as fellow scouts. Brennan M helped with the meaning of the Arrow of Light from his home. Congratulations to them all on completing their Arrow of Light Rank!

We are planning when we can begin to resume small group meetings with social distancing and masks—hopefully at the end of June. Our current scout year is extended to the end of July. We now can process new scouts and hope to meet and welcome new scouts to the pack. If you are interested in discovering the fun of Cub Scouts, please contact Regina Halper at for more information.

A reminder: if you have Cub Scout uniforms that you do not need, please contact Regina Halper at the email above. The cost of Cub Scouting is going up, and sharing your uniforms will help cover the cost of participating for our families.

Photo Caption: Arrow of Light Scouts virtual crossover

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