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  • Regina Halper

Cub Pack 1031: 2023 Pinewood Derby Race!

Cub Pack 1031 and our pack winners!

Cub Pack 1031 held their 2023 Pinewood Derby on Saturday, December 9th, finally back at the Beltsville Community Center. We had wonderful helpers and great races! Many thanks Sean H. and the P1031 parents for helping it come together!

            We had winners at each den level and the Grand Prize winners were Arrow Kyle Tarbrake in 1st Place, Bear Rowan Massengale in 2nd Place and Tiger Rosa McDougal in 3rd Place. There were many exotic cars such as Rosa’s Garden car, Anya’s lit up Pond car and two Hershey Bar cars!

            We also collected 20 toys for Toys for Tots which Breanna and David H helped drop off at the donation house at Ikea. This teaches us to think about others during the holidays. Pack 1031 did over 290 hours of service in 2023. We are a Gold level JTE unit and this year we grew from 9 scouts to 17 scouts, and we are excited for the new year!

            If you are interested in Cub Scout contact Regina Halper at for information. We are a family scouting unit. We learn outdoor skills, citizenship, STEM, nature and do community service. We are back in Beltsville Academy for our den meetings. And happy to be meeting in our usual place and learning about engineering, nature, doing service and hiking in the outdoors.

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