Chief Green began a plan to house temporary trailers at Chestnut Hills Park next to the library in August 2024. As far as we can tell, she did not alert the current Volunteer Fire Station nor the citizens of Beltsville. Under the current law, she was under no obligation to do either until the Parks and Planning director received her request and it subject to Mandatory referral. This determination was made on November 4. According to a letter to Senator Jim Rosapepe dated November 12, “Now that this determination has been made by letter dated November 4, 2024, we are in the Pre-submission Coordination Phase (Section III) and staff will advise the agency applicant (as it does with every applicant) of the importance of reaching out to the community.”
Chief Green’s plan is to take over the general use area and softball. According to her initial request on August 2, “Due to the condition and numerous safety concerns of Station 831, which is the primary fire station serving the Beltsville community, the Fire/EMS Department is seeking to temporarily relocate the firefighters of that station to a healthier and safer environment while repairs and renovations (estimated to cost $4.2 million) are completed.” We have been told numerous times that there isn’t any money in the budget, so we do question where the 4.2 million dollars is coming from. Also, her statement that “the condition and numerous safety concerns of Station 831” are needed to create a healthier environment is misleading. Her own report from earlier this year showed that the station, while not perfect because of its age, did not pose a health threat to those that worked there.
In the same letter from August 2 Chief Green states that they anticipate the renovations to take “at least 24 months.” The volunteers have asked for a timeline on multiple occasions during the MOU negotiations that have been taking place. That conversation was about the placement of these trailers on the actual fire department property. They initially wanted the volunteers to sign an MOU that covered 15 years. The volunteers asked for a specific time frame because they were unwilling to sign anything for an arbitrary number of 15 years, yet they were never given a timeline. This was one on the reasons the volunteers wouldn’t sign the MOU. Now we see that the estimated time was two years. Why didn’t Chief Green’s office say that from the beginning?
Parks and Planning responded back they were willing to consider the project but needed more detailed info from PGFD. Her response was sent a month later on September 18. The proposal suggests placing a temporary fire station on the multipurpose and softball fields, leaving other park amenities like the basketball court, playground, and walking trails open during and after construction. The station will include temporary trailers and an apparatus building oriented east-to-west, facing a private driveway off Montgomery Road. It will house an engine, an ambulance, six career staff, and nine volunteers. Despite assurances of minimal disruption, Parks and Planning deemed the submission inadequate on October 2, requesting more details. Here are the questions that were asked:
1. Will the proposed trailers that would constitute the temporary fire station be situated on a to-be-built concrete slab (it would appear to need to be approximately 85’x42’)?
2. Do you propose a sidewalk to connect to Sellman Road?
3. Do you propose curb cuts and driveway(s) to connect the temporary fire station to the street(s)?
4. The narrative mentions that there would also be a temporary apparatus building. but this is not depicted on the plans you provided.
5. Where will the 15 staff (as noted in your memo) park?
6. We presume that the Fire Station will be a 24-hour use facility, please confirm.
7. How long do you propose to use our parkland?
8. How do you propose to restore our property after your use is completed?
Please provide a site plan that depicts proposed:
1. Concrete slab (if any)
2. Sidewalk(s)
3. Curb cut(s), driveway(s) Truck turning radii, we have concerns with the ease of the fire apparatus turning movements with the area requested.
4. Temporary apparatus building
5. Stormwater management (for the new construction) will be handled.
6. Parking requirements
7. Park facilities to be removed (multipurpose and softball fields) or relocated (fences)
8. Landscaping
9. Utility connections that are needed.
10. Elevations / cross sections of what the temporary fire station and temporary apparatus buildings will look like.
All good questions that it seems Chief Green never considered. It seems like the ol' put up some trailers and just go isn't working for her. We know the Mandatory Referral intake questionnaire was submitted and received. The department of Parks and Recreation asked that project description be modified to read "The project is for the installation of 2 new modular structures, because of the installation, there will also be utility, and site development. The site will undergo trenching and installation of foundation and landscaping. The planned development will be used as a temporary site for Fire Department use as a fire station, housing personnel and emergency vehicles for day-to-day activities. Both buildings will be approximately 35’ high. The first building which will be used for housing the emergency vehicles will be approximately 2,500 sf and the office building will be about 3,500 sf." We will continue to keep you updated with information as we get it.