From The December 1999 Issue
Are You Y2K (Year 2000) Ready?
While major financial institutions, utilities and governmental entities declare their readiness, it’s possible that some glitches could occur necessitating you to have cash, food and batteries to carry you over for what may be a short period. Montgomery County government has prepared a Y2K checklist which has some useful suggestions.
Under home suggestions, have some fresh water in your refrigerator for each family member, and just prior to January 1, 2000, buy a few days supply of fresh fruit. Check your computer for Y2K compliance (make sure your calendar date has four digits and check web site suggestions for your software.) Build an inventory for personal care products, batteries, and replace key batteries. Have a full tank of fuel in your auto. Also, have some cash on hand for two weeks of expenses.
Avoid scheduling elective medical treatment around 1/2000 and fill prescriptions well before 1/2000. Avoid air travel on 1/2000 and travel to vulnerable countries; get reservation confirmations in writing and tickets early for travel early in the new year, and carry extra cash and medications.
You can call the Federal Year 2000 Information Line at 1-888-USA4Y2K. Radios stations will carry emergency information as needed are WMAL, WTOP, WASH FMWSMU and WBIG.
COMMENT by The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica
“Y2K Bug,” a problem in the coding of computerized systems that was projected to create havoc in computers and computer networks around the world at the beginning of the year 2000. After more than a year of international alarm, feverish preparations, and programming corrections, few major failures occurred in the transition from December 31, 1999 to January 1, 2000.
Two Beltsville Residents Will Recruit Volunteers for Local Elementary Schools
Laura Tyler and Patricia Embrey, both of Beltsville, will recruit volunteers to tutor K-6 grade students in reading and math at Calverton Elementary and Beltsville Academic Center, respectively. Both will serve for the school year under the Volunteer Maryland program. Volunteer Maryland recruits individuals who work with starting of strengthening programs serving community needs.
Nancy Arseneault Receives Highest PTA Honor
On Sunday, November 20 (1999) the Maryland Congress of Parent and Teacher Association at their Fall Convention bestowed on Nancy Arseneault of Beltsville their highest honor, an honorary Life Membership. To be recognized by the State is a true measure of her outstanding service to the children of Maryland and dedication to the objectives and goals of PTA.
Martin Luther King’s Press Garners Award
By Joseph Sullivan
Martin Luther King, Jr. Academic Center’s student newspaper, The King Cobra Press, received a Second Place Award in the Children’s National Medical Center’s annual Teen Writer’s Contest for a lengthy and moving poem by student author Natalie Day. The award reads in part, “Ms. Day and The King Cobra Press exemplify the best in student journalism.”
St. Joseph’s Cheerleaders Place in Championship
By Cindy Glass
Despite a stressful season filled with player illness and injuries, St. Joseph’s Junior Varsity and Varsity cheerleaders brought home two trophies from the CYO Championship competition held November 20, 1999, at Largo High School. The ten members of the Junior Varsity team, coached by Jennifer Houghton, placed first in their division, Christina Rheault coached the fourteen varsity players in an honorable mention in their division.