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Beltsville Day Is Coming!

Karen Coakley

The Beltsville Lions Club Foundation is sponsoring Beltsville Day with Maryland National Capital Parks and Planning Commission of Prince George’s County, and the Beltsville Community Center. Mark your calendars for Beltsville Day on Sunday, May 18th, 2025, from noon to 4 pm at the Beltsville Community Center, 3900 Sellman Road.

            Beltsville Day will open with the National Anthem, and a presentation of the Flags by Beltsville Police Explorer Post 600 Color Guard. Beltsville Lions Club will offer free vision, hearing, and eye pressure screenings in the air-conditioned Lions Mobile Health Unit. There will be a variety of free games and activities for children of all ages. Roving entertainers include a magician, balloon twister, and mime. Beltsville’s theatrical group “Upstage Artists” will perform. A DJ will be onsite to spin your favorite tunes. Exhibitions from the scouts and local karate are also planned.

     Community Groups and Businesses it's not too late to get involved. To find out how you can participate or support Beltsville Day. Please send an email to or call 301-741-7672.



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