Beltsville Lions Club April Meeting

CPL Kenneth Hibbert, Prince George’s County Police District VI, presented a captivating program at the Beltsville Lion’s meeting of 5 April. His talk focused on community service and the Police Explorer Post at District VI. SGT Joseph Mullendore and three members of the Police Explorer Program accompanied CPL Hibbert. Following Hibbert’s presentation, each Police Explorer spoke in turn about their dedication to community service.
In addition, club members recognized Lion Ted Ladd for sponsoring 25 club members during his membership in the Beltsville Lions Club.
VBS at First Baptist Church of Beltsville
Join our team as we discover God’s plans for us at Vacation Bible School at First Baptist Church of Beltsville, June 26-30. VBS will take place Monday – Thursday from 9:00 a.m. – 12 p.m. All VBS events are FREE. Children 4 years-6th grade are welcome Pre-register online at http://www.fbcbeltsville.org/vbs.cfm or they can call the church office at 301-937-7771 if you need more information.