The Beltsville Young at Heart
By Lois Hamilton

January can be such a challenging month. The beginning of a new year might bring many new problems. Such was our January 19 meeting. I had to decide to cancel the meeting because so many people who volunteer with the club have gotten COVID, flu and other problems that we did not have enough “workers” to work.
So, we move onto the February 16 meeting. It will have a Valentine theme with entertainment from “Rearview Mirror” (from January), and a surprise gift for everyone who attends. We’ll try to do “business as usual”, but I may need to call on newer members to help, especially with the “goodies”. Anyone interested, please call me at 301-498-9736. I would appreciate any help we can get. We still meet at 11:00 am at the Beltsville Community Center on Sellman Road.
No pay, but the feeling of satisfaction for helping where needed—that’s what seniors are good at.
The Beltsville VFD Ladies Auxiliary
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Beltsville Volunteer Fire Department would like to announce the installation of their Officers for the year 2023.
Congratulations to President Pam Casagranda, Vice President Cathy Alexander, Recording Secretary Bibi Gurwah, Treasurer Angela Whitman, Corresponding Secretary Paula Stickles, Chaplain Lois Hetz and Historian Jane Nealis.
Women’s Community Club of Beltsville

Women's Community Club of Beltsville Holiday Program 2022. We sponsored 26 families at Thanksgiving and Christmas, helping 25 families with 73 Children.
Join us for our next meeting Thursday, February 9th at 7:00 p.m. We will be planning our Spring activities. We meet at the Beltsville Boys and Girls Club 11705 Roby Avenue. For more information email: womensclubbeltsville@gmail.com.