Coronavirus FAQ for Older Adults
The Maryland Department of Health has answered frequently asked questions for older people about the outbreak. You can find the FAQ along with other information online at https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/, or you can call our office at 301.858.3141 and we will mail you a copy.
Coronavirus Hotline
The county now has a coronavirus hotline: 301.883.6627. Please call the hotline and not 911 if you need to speak to someone about the virus.
Alert Prince George's
This system sends emergency alerts and updates to your registered devices. To sign up today, visit https://www.princegeorgescountymd.gov/794/Alert-Prince-Georges.
Web Resources
Here are some local websites to check for information:
~ https://www.princegeorgescountymd.gov/1—Most recent updates in Prince George’s County
~ https://www.pgcps.org/coronavirus/—County public school updates and procedures
~ https://umd.edu/virusinfo—Updates for employees and students at UMD
What to Do If You Show Symptoms
Contact a doctor if you develop the following symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath. Symptoms may develop 2–14 days after exposure. Individuals with health challenges with their kidneys, lungs, or heart as well as those over the age of 60 are the most vulnerable to this virus. If you have these conditions, you are to minimize contact with others and seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
Legislative Action to Protect All of Us
To support this public health effort while keeping the essential services of government functioning, the Maryland legislature:
~ moved quickly to approve the state budget for the coming year
~ set aside $50 million in emergency funds for tests, treatment, tracing, and other critical medical services
~ passed legislation to expand unemployment insurance, fight price gouging, and pursue other ways to protect Maryland families
~ boosted budget reserves in case of recession
In addition, the legislature moved up the end of our regular 2020 session and set a special session for the week of May 25, when we hope to have more visibility on in the impact of the crisis.
This will allow us to focus on making sure that our constituents benefit from state efforts to fight the virus and its economic disruption. As part of this effort, Delegate Joseline Pena Melnyk has been named to the Joint COVID-19 Response Legislative Workgroup, which will monitor state responses and recommend ways to improve them.
Contact Us
Please let us know if there are other issues you have questions or thoughts about. And, of course, feel free to be in touch if we can help you. Just email 21stDistrictDelegation@gmail.com or call 301.858.3141.