Snow Removal
When a snow emergency is declared, the Prince George’s County Department of Public Works and Transportation is responsible for providing “passable” conditions on a network of more than 1,900 miles of county-maintained roadways to ensure the safety of residents, citizens, and travelers.
To assist crews, citizens and residents are requested to:
Move and keep vehicles off snow emergency routes
Park in driveways or other off-road locations
Park only on the even-numbered side of roads/streets
During snow and ice events, residents and citizens are asked to wait 24 hours after the precipitation has ended to call 311 or 301.883.4748 to report emergencies or concerns about roadway conditions/snow removal.
Having Street Parking Issues?
The Residential Parking Permit Program empowers residents to set parking restriction days and times to control non-resident street parking in their communities. The parking program is a petition-driven initiative that requires the support of 60% of residents in a proposed parking zone. A parking permit area can be any residential area located on a public roadway in Prince George’s County. The program is free, for residential use, and not available for implementation on private property or in commercial and industrial areas.
The petition must be certified and meet program guidelines, and the proposed area for program implementation is inspected. Next, a public hearing is held. Once the program is approved, signs are installed. The personal vehicles of area residents are registered. Visitor and guest vehicles may be registered as well. Under the program, parking permits are renewed every two years. Call the help desk service line at 1.866.794.8663 for information and assistance.
If you would like more information about this residential parking permit program, our very own Residents for a Better Beltsville are having Dianne Harris, public information officer, Revenue Authority of Prince George's County speak Wednesday, January 15, from 7–8:30 pm for a meeting on How to Start a County Residential Parking Program (Permitted Parking) on Your Street. The meeting will be held at Beltsville Community Center.
Beltsville Development to Watch
We will keep you updated on upcoming District 1 projects as our community continues to grow. Please note, once a zoning application has been filed, State Public Ethics law prohibits the council m
ember from discussing the case. You can, however, contact Chief of Staff Michelle García at mjgarcia@co.pg.md.us with your questions or to request a current list of current Beltsville development projects.
Please keep in touch! Email us at councildistrict1@co.pg.md.us or call 301.952.3887. Se habla Español. For invitations and community events you would like to share with us, please email district1scheduling@co.pg.md.us with details. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @TomDernogaD1

Photo Caption: Council Member Dernoga and volunteers at the inaugural D1 Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway