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  • Jason Inanga

Jason's Jive: December 2019

Welcome to another Jive. I am experimenting to see if I can just leave a link in the main printed paper and then have you go online to read Jason’s Jive. Hopefully I can write more details here. As you know I have relocated from Beltsville to Dallas, Texas and I am settling in well and adjusting to a lot of things. I miss Beltsville! Some things we take for granted till we move. So in this edition I will share some things and those of you who have ever been to Dallas will relate. If you have never been here, you need to visit. Some of the things I have adjusted to but still do not understand – the driving. NASCAR has off road race tracks, but in Dallas, everyone is a race car driver. The speed limit on many highways between cities is 70 mph. They drive way faster than that and it is more fun for them to exceed that speed limit when it rains. That way if you get in an accident, your vehicle gets totaled so you get money from insurance to get another one that you can drive fast. (nobody wants a crashed vehicle repaired…lol) Still on driving, I have seen people cut in front of tractor trailers as if they are the proverbial cat with nine lives and they want to use one of the lives at that moment. Food! The food portions are larger, the food is less expensive and there are lots of fast food eateries. Great for the person who wants to snack outdoors. Part of the culture I have learnt, if you go to a 7-11 store after about 10 pm, it is unlikely you can get food to buy from their grill. They only do that in the daytime. If you want a cup of coffee, get it in the morning -- a lot of their locations do not brew coffee at night. In Beltsville, I could go in any of their stores at any time of the day or night and get a grilled item or a hot beverage. The weather is obviously gorgeous. I love it. Reminds me of living in the Caribbean. However, a few weeks ago, had my first tornado encounter. I was out ubering (yes we have created a new word) near downtown Dallas (Lovefield airport area) to be specific. I realized we were going to have thunderstorms and so at 8 pm I left there to go home, only to hear later that evening that tornadoes touched down there around 9.10 pm. Thank God I escaped that. What was frightening was when the weather alarm went off and we realized a tornado had been seen in our county. Was a real scary rookie experience but soon after it was over. So I go back on the road to do a little more Uber. This time I got delayed because of rain. I was stuck in a bar. Eventually I proceeded to leave and go to my car and head home. On my way home, in blinding rain I was the only one on a busy road --trees down, road construction signs dangling and a lot of super bright lighnting. Apparently a second tornado had hit the Allen area while I was out there. Well enjoy your thanksgiving, I will have a long end of year Jason’s Jive just for your reading pleasure.

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