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What is Resident's for a Better Beltsville?

Residents decided to join together on July 29, 2019, to fulfill an expectation they had when they moved to Beltsville. We all agreed that we wanted to foster a neighborly spirit within the communities that make up Beltsville and foster a civic pride in Beltsville itself. During our first meeting each expressed why they appreciate the communities that make up Beltsville in which they live, and the improvements we would like to see.

The meeting participants were excited about the idea of joining forces to not only improve Beltsville physically, but also help people who have recently moved into the community understand the ideals that are a tradition or spirit of the neighborhoods.

Attendees jumped right into organizing the group by adopting a set of bylaws, choosing officers and setting up committees. We also chose to identify topics of concern and the first Department we will hear from on August 14, 2019, is the Maryland Department of Transportation concerning the urban reconstruction of Powder Mill Road. Our September Meeting will be held on September 18, 2019. The meeting will be held at the Beltsville Community Center, 3900 Sellman Road in Beltsville.

Thanks to the District Six Police Department we were able to tell many more of our neighbors about our endeavors at the National Night Out held on August 6, 2019. We handed out flyers and recruited new members to participate with us. If you would like more information about our organization visit our website at and fill out the contact form. Please Join Us!

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