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  • Jason Inanga

Jason's Jive: August 2019

Sometimes I sit down to write, and the hardest thing is what to focus on this month. On a daily basis I see a lot of things—crime in Baltimore, drug addicts, angered motorists, people hustling to make a dollar, others trying to sweet talk us out of the same dollar—and it goes on.Lately I have taken up an interest in limited gardening—no thanks to the deer who selectively attack my garden every year. Earlier in the year I bought some flower seeds from Home Depot and threw them loosely into the soil. I watered them a few times and then decided to let nature take its course, and they are blooming now. Very shortly I will have a nice flower patch of zinnias. Growing up in the tropics on a University Campus in Ibadan, Nigeria, I developed my love for the garden. A special year was 1982. That year, we had papaya (pawpaw is what we call it), yams, pigeon peas (green peas), tomatoes, pepper, and corn. That was the year we had some massive cucumbers because we had built a natural compost heap, and we reaped the benefits.We had been developing pineapple patch. Every time we bought a pineapple that year, we cut off part of the flesh with the crown and would stick them in the ground, and they matured and grew. Mum would boil the peel and then strain it, and that was our pineapple juice. This year, I have started to plant pineapples hoping they can get grounded enough before winter. Just enjoy the challenge of doing something different. Talking about something different. I buy a lot of lime and citrus fruit and have shown my three children how to squeeze those fruits, add a little sugar and water, and then have fresh, healthy homemade lemonade.My 9-year-old son is so excited now and wants to open a lemonade stand. Hopefully we will give it a try and see how it goes.Let me wrap this up and keep it simple. Enjoy the rest of the newspaper this month.

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