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The Latest News from Senator Rosapepe's Office: January 2019

Carolyn Bosch

Join Me, My Wife Sheilah—and UMD President Wallace Loh—Sunday, January 27, to Welcome 2019! I hope you can join my wife Sheilah and me for our Welcome 2019 Celebration on Sunday, January 27, from 11:30 to 2 at The Hotel at The University of Maryland (7777 Baltimore Ave), the new 4-star hotel on Route 1 just across from the university’s main gate in College Park. UMD President Wallace Loh is our special guest. Families are welcome. Please RSVP soon at We look forward to seeing you!

Energy Assistance Grant Funds Available to Low-Income Households The state of Maryland is taking steps to ensure Marylanders will no longer have to choose between keeping warm and meeting their other expenses. Depending on your household income, you could be eligible for a grant of more than $1,000 per year to assist in paying heating and electric bills. Annually, more than 100,000 households across the state enroll in the program. Households can qualify regardless of participation in other state benefits programs. Residents can apply for benefits on an annual basis, with each grant year starting July 1 and concluding on June 30 of the following year. Households may apply at any time and reapply once per year as needed. Applicants do not need to be behind on their bills in order to apply for help. Interested residents should submit a completed paper application and the required supporting documents to their local energy office. To apply for assistance or get further information, customers can contact their nearest energy office by visiting or by calling DHR’s helpline at 800.332.6347. Households can also apply online at

State Legislative Session Starts January 9 Delegates Joseline Peña-Melnyk and Ben Barnes, Delegate-Elect Mary Lehman, and I will be back in Annapolis representing you in the 2019 Maryland legislative session starting on January 9. Please let us know your opinions on issues of concern and contact us with any questions. And, of course, feel free to be in touch if the delegates or I can help you. Just email or call 301.858.3141.

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