The Beltsville Volunteer Fire Dept. will be hosting their annual Open House and Fire F.E.S.T on Sunday Oct. 21 from noon to 4pm. There will be displays (Including our Brand New Ambulance!), free food vendors (Including Mission BBQ), fire prevention material, a moon bounce, face painting, and much more. In addition to all the other fun, food & special events, The Beltsville Volunteer Fire Department will be teaching Hands Only CPR and Stop the Bleed demonstrations during the Open House. Hands Only CPR will give you the information and skills necessary to begin and continue potential lifesaving efforts on someone who has collapsed from cardiac arrest until EMS arrives. It’s very simple and can be the difference between someone’s life and death. Stop the Bleed is a nationwide initiative to educate and give citizens the skills and information necessary to identify and control massive hemorrhage (bleeding) that could be fatal in minutes if left untreated. Come by and take some time to enjoy fun and food and learn skills that could help you save a life!