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Calverton Baptist Church Celebrates 50 Years

The Calverton Baptist Church, located at Fairland Road and Galway Drive in the Calverton community, will celebrate its 50th anniversary on Sunday, October 15, 2017, starting at 9 am and continuing into the afternoon with planned events.

When the community of Calverton was established, the developers realized that to make the community complete a church was needed to meet the spiritual needs of the residents. Therefore, the developer set aside land for the purpose of building a church.

In October 1966, Montrose, Berwyn, Beltsville, Kensington, and Burtonsville Baptist churches committed themselves to establishing a chapel to become the church to be built on that property. The first preliminary meeting was held in the Calverton Galway Elementary School on November 23, 1966, with 35 people in attendance. The very first meeting as a chapel was at the home of Mr. and Mrs., Sturgill on January 10, 1967, with 17 people in worship.

The Calverton Baptist Chapel met in the Galway Elementary School while the church was being built on its current site. The church was constituted October 19, 1969, and was recognized as a new church at the annual meeting of the Baptist Convention of Maryland on November 11, 1969.

On July 10, 1967, Rev. Charles Casey was called to be the pastor, and he served until July 1, 1979.

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